Monday, May 6, 2013


What are you complaining about, Tommy?

I'm sick of this shit!  I'm sick of the Giants shoving us around!

Maybe they're better than you, it's got nothing to do with my call.

I'm telling you, you better toss me out of here.  We've got so many fucking injuries I can't even bring in a pitcher!

You don't trust Don Mat--

That's a fucking Yankee taking this team into the ground!  I'm the only one who gives a damn.  Toss me out of here before I slug ya.

You're not going to slug anybody, Tommy.  Get back to the dugout.

You're uglier than a shit I take after eating trail mix.

I was wrong.  YER OUTTA HERE!

Well that's good, asshole!  Only took ya a fucking hour!

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