Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What letter of the alphabet is Jon Rauch saying right here?

The answer is "F". As in "F"uck off and sit down Inge, I strike you the fuck out now.

My favorite thing about this team, aside from each individual being badass in their own way (Span threw a bat tonight that would make Delmon happy), is that they know they are better than the other team at baseball. It's not luck. They're not getting freak hits and coming back from deficits in the 9th. They're flat out just beating your ass because they're better than you.

So Jon Rauch, a middle-reliever with an 89 mph fastball, can just strike you right the shit out and talk like he's been there before. Because they all have. And the pain train's only going to keep chugging.

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